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9 Captivating Instagram Ads Examples for 2021-2022



examples instagram ads

Instagram marketing has grown significantly over the past few years, and businesses are capitalizing on it as much as possible. It makes sense — Instagram is home to more than 700 million users, so it’s easy to see why marketers are eager to buy Instagram ads or create captivating Instagram ads examples to engage audiences there and convert them into customers. But how do you develop the perfect Instagram ad? What makes an Instagram ad example good? How can you use Instagram ads examples in your own business?


These days, social media platforms are an integral component of marketing and branding. When you want to reach a vast audience without spending too much money, social media is the way to go. With more than two billion users on Instagram alone, your potential customer base could be waiting for you. However, there are many ways to advertise on this platform, so which ones should you choose? In this blog post, we have compiled 15 captivating ads examples that will get your creative juices flowing and help you figure out how to start advertising on Instagram.


The first thing to do is to choose an audience. There are a number of audiences you can target with your ads, including followers of your account and the accounts they follow; people who like or comment on your posts; and people who tag you in photos. You can also target people based on their interests or demographics, such as gender and age.

Next, choose a campaign objective that suits the goal of your business.


Locals have been hosting travelers in their homes on Airbnb since 2008. In July of 2012, Airbnb launched its official iPhone app and by September there were over 100k properties listed on the platform. Us


Many businesses have found success on Amazon by using their platform as a way to offer their product and grow brand awareness. Amazon is a great way to sell products directly to consumers, so if you’re looking to create your own following of loyal customers, then this may be the right place for you.

best Instagram ad examples


For many businesses, social media has become their primary marketing channel. With a little trial and error, you can find the best platforms and tools to help your business grow. For example, if you sell organic produce, it might make sense to advertise on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest. Here are a few Instagram ads examples and social media marketing tips:

1) Test different ads before committing to one platform or tool.

2) Test with different images and headlines to see which resonates with your audience most.

Beats by Dre

With the 2022 Olympics just around the corner, it’s worth thinking about how you can use social media to your advantage. With that in mind, here are five of the most captivating ads from recent years. They’re all simple and straightforward, but they provide a good template for what you might want to do with your own advertising.


The first post is about the new BMW X7 model. They’re trying to show that this car will give you a smooth and serene ride with its electric powertrain. They use this picture of a woman driving on what appears to be a small dirt road, which draws attention to the idea of how large this car is and how it’ll take up more space than some other models.

Burger King

The first ad is a YouTube video of the burger chain. It’s titled If We Made Our Own. The camera zooms in on an empty Burger King restaurant. A voice says, This is what would happen if we made our own. Suddenly, the lights turn on and customers are sitting in booths and eating burgers. A big screen TV displays a Burger King logo as a country song plays softly in the background.

Calvin Klein

Klein is one of the most iconic brands that has been around since 1968. As a fashion brand, they have quickly turned into a household name by providing consumers with stylish, high-quality clothing at affordable prices. Some of their most famous products are jeans, t-shirts, and underwear.


For example, CocaCola’s recent campaign #ShareACoke was designed to encourage users to share and interact with the brand. The company has also been a pioneer in the use of augmented reality on its Instagram feed. One example is when they partnered with artist Anish Kapoor who created an installation called Cloud Column in London. When people shared photos of themselves next to it on their social media channels, the pictures would appear on CocaCola’s feed as if they were actually standing next to it


Instagram ads are a highly effective way to promote your product or service. Blue brain provides Instagram ads service for growing your business and it will also help for your brand awareness. They’re more visually appealing than other forms of advertising and provide you with the ability to target a specific audience. The best way to create an ad is by first considering the type of message you want to convey, who your audience is, and what their interests are. This will help you determine which style of ad works best for you. Use one of these 15 creative examples below as inspiration on how to make your own great advert!

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Exploring the World of possiblyethereal




possiblyethereal is not just another online platform; it’s a digital sanctuary for seekers of wisdom, inspiration, and connection. Let’s delve into what makes possiblyethereal a unique and enriching experience for its visitors.

What is possiblyethereal?

At its core, it is a multifaceted platform that offers a blend of insightful content, community engagement, and personal development resources. It aims to transcend the mundane and explore the realms of the ethereal, sparking curiosity and fostering personal growth.

Content Categories on possiblyethereal

From thought-provoking articles to immersive multimedia experiences, it covers a wide range of topics. Whether it’s philosophy, spirituality, creativity, or wellness, visitors can find content that resonates with their interests and aspirations.

Unique Perspectives and Insights

What sets this apart is its commitment to offering unique perspectives and deep insights. Through diverse voices and unconventional narratives, the platform challenges conventional thinking and encourages exploration of the unknown.

Interaction and Participation Opportunities

Engagement is key at possiblyethereal, with opportunities for readers to interact through comments, forums, and collaborative projects. The platform fosters a sense of community where ideas are shared, discussed, and celebrated.

User-generated Content

A highlight of possiblyethereal is its emphasis on user-generated content. Visitors are encouraged to contribute their own stories, reflections, and experiences, creating a dynamic tapestry of collective wisdom and creativity.

Ethical Considerations and Transparency

In an era of digital information overload, It prioritizes ethical content creation and transparency. Clear policies ensure that content is authentic, respectful, and aligned with the platform’s values.

Personal Growth and Development

Beyond intellectual exploration, It offers resources for personal growth and development. From mindfulness practices to actionable insights, visitors can embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.


It is more than a website; it’s a portal to a world of infinite possibilities and profound discoveries. Whether you seek intellectual stimulation, spiritual insights, or simply a sense of belonging, possiblyethereal invites you to explore, engage, and evolve.


  • Can I contribute my own content to possiblyethereal?

    • Yes, It welcomes user-generated content. You can share your stories, insights, and perspectives with the community.
  • What types of topics does possiblyethereal cover?

    • It covers a wide range of topics, including philosophy, spirituality, creativity, wellness, and more.
  • How can I engage with the possiblyethereal community?

    • You can engage by commenting on articles, participating in forums, and joining collaborative projects.
  • Are there resources for personal development on possiblyethereal?

    • Yes, It offers resources such as mindfulness practices, actionable insights, and inspirational content for personal growth.
  • What are possiblyethereal’s policies on content creation and transparency?

    • It maintains ethical standards in content creation and ensures transparency in information dissemination, aligning with its values of authenticity and respect.
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Understanding and Resolving the “zsh: command not found: pip” Error



zsh: command not found: pip


whileThe “zsh: command not found: pip” error is a common issue faced by developers and users working with Python on Unix-based systems. This article aims to explain the error and provide troubleshooting steps to resolve it, highlighting the importance of managing Python environments effectively.

What is the “zsh: command not found: pip” Error?

The error message “zsh: command not found: pip” indicates that the Z shell (zsh) cannot find the pip command, which is used for installing and managing Python packages. This error can occur due to various reasons, such as incorrect PATH configurations or missing Python installations.

Troubleshooting Steps for the “zsh: command not found: pip” Error

  • Check if Python and pip are installed:
  • Verify that Python and pip are installed on your system and accessible from the command line.
  • Update PATH variable:
  • Ensure that the PATH variable includes the directories where Python and pip are installed. Update the PATH if necessary.
  • Reinstall Python and pip:
  • If the issue persists, consider reinstalling Python and pip to ensure they are properly configured and accessible.
  • Use virtual environments:
  • Utilize virtual environments like virtualenv or venv to isolate Python environments and manage package dependencies effectively.

Best Practices for Managing Python Environments and Packages

  • Use of virtual environments: Create separate environments for different projects to avoid conflicts and maintain project-specific dependencies.
  • Installing packages with pip: Use the pip command to install Python packages, ensuring compatibility with your Python environment.
  • Managing dependencies: Regularly update and manage package dependencies to avoid compatibility issues and security vulnerabilities.


The “zsh: command not found: pip” error can be resolved by following the troubleshooting steps mentioned above. Ensuring that Python and pip are correctly installed and configured on your system. Effective management of Python environments and packages is crucial for smooth development workflows and reliable application deployments.


  • Why am I getting the “zsh: command not found: pip” error?

    • The error occurs when the Z shell (zsh) cannot locate the pip command, typically due to misconfigurations or missing installations.
  • How can I check if Python and pip are installed on my system?

    •  if Python and pip are installed and accessible. Then, Run the commands “python –version” and “pip –version” in your terminal to check
  • What is the purpose of using virtual environments in Python development?

    • Virtual environments allow developers to create isolated environments for different projects, managing dependencies and avoiding conflicts between packages.
  • Can I use alternative package managers instead of pip?

    • While pip is the standard package manager for Python, some projects may use alternative managers like conda. While, Pip is widely used and recommended for Python package management.
  • How often should I update Python packages in my projects?

    • It’s advisable to regularly update packages to ensure compatibility, security patches, and access to new features. Use tools like pip freeze to manage and update dependencies efficiently.
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How to Make Hair in Roblox on iPad



how to make hair in roblox on ipad

Roblox is a popular platform that allows users to create and play games. One of the exciting features of Roblox is the ability to customize your avatar, including designing unique hairstyles. In this article, we’ll explore how to make hair in Roblox specifically on iPad devices.


Roblox offers extensive customization options, including hairstyles, for players to personalize their avatars and express their creativity.

Hair Customization Options

Using the Avatar Editor

The Avatar Editor in Roblox provides a range of pre-designed hairstyles that users can choose from and customize.

Accessing Catalog Items

Players can explore the Roblox catalog to find a variety of hair options created by other users, ranging from simple styles to intricate designs.

Purchasing Robux for Premium Hair

Robux is the virtual currency in Roblox. Users can purchase premium hair options from the Roblox catalog using Robux for a unique look.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Hair

Opening Roblox Studio

Launch Roblox Studio on your iPad to begin creating custom hair designs.

Creating Hair Mesh and Textures

Use the design tools in Roblox Studio to create the mesh and textures for your custom hair.

Uploading Hair to Roblox

Once your hair design is ready, upload it to Roblox to make it available for use in your avatar customization.

Tips for Designing Unique and Creative Hair

  • Experiment with different shapes, colors, and textures to create a distinctive hairstyle.
  • Use reference images or real-life inspiration for designing realistic or fantasy hair styles.
  • Test your hair design in Roblox Studio to ensure it looks great in-game.


In conclusion, making hair in Roblox on iPad not only enhances your gaming experience but also fosters a sense of community and creativity. It’s an opportunity to let your imagination run wild and create something truly unique that reflects your personality and style preferences. So, dive into Roblox Studio, experiment with different hair designs, and let your creativity shine in the virtual world of Roblox!


  • Can I create custom hair designs without Robux?

  • Yes, Roblox provides free tools in Roblox Studio for creating custom hair designs without requiring Robux.
  • Are there limitations to the complexity of hair designs I can create on iPad?

  • While iPad devices may have some limitations compared to desktop computers, you can still create a wide range of hair designs using Roblox Studio on iPad.
  • Can I sell my custom hair designs to other players?

  • Yes, you can upload your hair designs to the Roblox catalog and make them available for purchase or trade with other players.
  • Do I need programming skills to create hair designs in Roblox?

  • No, you can create hair designs using Roblox Studio’s intuitive design tools without needing programming knowledge.
  • Can I preview how my custom hair will look on my avatar before uploading it?

  • Yes, Roblox Studio allows you to preview your custom hair designs on your avatar to ensure they look as desired before uploading.
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